
It’s very easy to feel depleted and stressed out during the holiday season – sometimes we just take on too much, all at once. While it’s always important to prioritize self care, it’s even more critical these days when we need (and want!) to be fully present for our loved ones.

To help you stay healthy and happy during this time of year, I’ve got some amazing places in our local community you should definitely check out:

For some healthy food options, try:

Also, please don’t miss the VegFest at Mizner Park this Saturday, December 14!

Lastly, check out Yoga Journey’s meditation classes, 12:30-1:00pm Monday-Friday (no experience needed!).

Have a beautiful holiday season, and please, take care of yourself!

Sending lots of love,
Mary Ann

Taking a few moments in silence to develop a personal mantra is so important – it can be as simple as “I am”, “I am peace”, “Om Shanti” (which means peace), or “Sat Nam” (which means truth).

Mantras can be used anytime, especially if you are experiencing anxiety, fear, or stress. There has been research that mantras are an effective way to calm the mind. Gabrielle Bernstein’s “The Universe Has Your Back” card deck is full of amazing mantras to help you feel calm and at ease. It is a tool I’ve been using for over 20 years and has helped me tremendously.

Huge thanks to Louise Hay and Dr. Wayne Dyer for teaching me about mantras!

Mary Ann