“As you place more and more of your energy on what you intend to manifest you’ll start seeing those intentions materializing.” -Dr. Wayne Dyer

One of things I’ve learned from Dr. Dyer and Gabrielle Bernstein is that we must get clear on what we want in order to grow and expand. Once you do the work and get clear, you can begin to make space for manifestations to occur. Simply write down your thoughts and patterns that happen in your life every day.

Ask yourself, “Do these thoughts and behaviors align with what I want to attract in my life?”

The more time you put in, the faster you become magnetic and attract so many amazing things in your life! Once we decide and stay consistent we are supported and unexpected things begin to show up. Visions that you have always had begin to unfold through people and unexpected moments!

Commitment holds a grounding energy that provides structure, and keeps everything real.

Commit to this.

Commit to yourself.

Commit to what you want!

Taking a few moments in silence to develop a personal mantra is so important – it can be as simple as “I am”, “I am peace”, “Om Shanti” (which means peace), or “Sat Nam” (which means truth).

Mantras can be used anytime, especially if you are experiencing anxiety, fear, or stress. There has been research that mantras are an effective way to calm the mind. Gabrielle Bernstein’s “The Universe Has Your Back” card deck is full of amazing mantras to help you feel calm and at ease. It is a tool I’ve been using for over 20 years and has helped me tremendously.

Huge thanks to Louise Hay and Dr. Wayne Dyer for teaching me about mantras!

Mary Ann

Drishti, or focal point, literally means focusing your gaze on a non-moving object. This gives you the stability in your poses and helps your mind sustain mental focus. Directing your vision to a single point prevents you from wavering or moving.

Drishti is an essential tool for finding balance and instills a deeper practice. Keeping your focus can help you clear the mind and remove patterns that are not healthy for the mind and body!

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer is:

“You have a powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered and focused!”

Have a beautiful weekend & happy Friday! 

Mary Ann

If you’re feeling stuck, try this: get clear on what you want. Cancel out the noise and truly tune into your inner world.

  • What makes you happy?
  • When do you feel the most fulfilled?
  • Who do you feel best around?

Most importantly, get clear on your values. When you know your values, you can act in alignment with those values. This process of getting to know ONESELF is so key to getting out of a rut.

Journaling is an amazing way to dig deep and understand what one truly wants for their life. I feel that this is such an important topic to expand on because so many people feel stuck in their lives, feel unfulfilled, and feel ultimately unhappy. This can be CHANGED if you are willing to make a commitment to yourself.

On Vulnerability:

Allow yourself to feel. Listen to what your heart is telling you. Try journaling to get those thoughts down. Just write one sentence if that’s all you can do. No filtering, no erasing- simply explore what comes up for you and what feels true!

On Patience:

Think of 3 things you appreciate about the current stage of your life.

On Meditation:

Just practice. There is no perfect meditation. Simply close your eyes, breathe, and listen with an open heart.

The key to getting un-stuck will be different for everyone, but it starts with listening, calming the mind, and understanding what one truly wants. Once an intention can be implemented, it is easier to work towards something. Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself along the way. And remember, we are all in this together.

“No one can hold you higher than yourself.” – Alicia Keyes

Mary Ann

Self love is about taking initiative of your life, honestly asking yourself:

Does this serve me?
What can I do to change it if it doesn’t?

Then, it’s about committing to yourself, and actively incorporating that change on a daily basis. It’s a balance between being kind to yourself when you need it but also holding yourself accountable and responsible for your wellbeing.

Self love is an ongoing DEDICATION to being the best version of you that there is.

Mary Ann