Hi guys, happy Wednesday and welcome back to Wednesday Wisdom. So today I just wanted to remind you of the importance of stillness and taking time to write out your mindful practices. Everyone is different, everyone has a different ritual, a different practice. And no matter if you practice yoga, that you’re an entrepreneur, it’s really important to carve out that time that is going to help you in what you’re doing.

You know life gets so busy and we have so many tabs open, we have so many things that we are thinking about that we want to create. It’s a new year, it’s an opportunity to create a new vision for your business, for yourself, and making sure that you take that time to write out what you working towards, and what your mindful practice looks like. Everyone is different and having a yoga and meditation practice is a way to help balance our energy, it helps us to get clear about what we really want. It’s hard to get clear and it’s hard to tap into your intuition when we have so many tabs open so I highly recommend, today, write out what is your mindful practice? How are you getting still? How are you incorporating that in your day? How do you unplug at the end of the day? Do you stay on social media, or go through your emails until you pass out at night?

It’s important that we take that time at the end of the day to close out our day, and to really breathe, to center yourself even before going to bed. Something I learned from Dr. Wayne Dyer so long ago, was whatever thoughts you’re thinking about before you go to sleep, that energy, that vibration, is with you as you’re sleeping. So it’s important to clear away the day, to clear away your thoughts, and maybe there’s something that was upsetting during the day, and take time to work through that energy because it’s only going to help you energetically. It’s only going to help you tap into your intuition more. So really take time today and write out what your mindful practices look like.

Mary Ann: “I love you guys and I just wanted to let you know I’m so honored to be in the space today of this new concept that Salvatore Principe has created and actually is coming here!”

Salvatore: “Look who’s here! My Mary Ann!”

Mary Ann: “Here we are, live in person, and do you want to tell them about what you’re going to be doing here with live artists?”

Salvatore: “Yeah, we built a gallery in Boca Town Center, first of its kind, and it’s going to be a live gallery where we have musical artists coming in, several artists painting or sculpting during the day and evenings. It’s a chance to actually meet the artists and find out what’s really behind a work of art. And the experience is inviting, and we have outside Prosperity Brewers and wine, and it’s definitely something to come and see.”

Mary Ann: Yes, I love it! I mean, the artwork is so beautiful. I don’t know if you can see behind me, the big beautiful heart. It’s really amazing…”

Salvatore: “Here’s the big, beautiful heart, it’s right here!” (pointing to Mary Ann).

Anyway, guys, check it out. It’s such a beautiful space and remember to write out your mindful practices. It can be two minutes, it can be three minutes. Tell me what it is that you’re creating, what practices are going to be important to you. Because sometimes we share with our friends, or we just send a message like “This is what I’m going to be doing to help me stay centered. These are my practices, these are my rituals.” It can be really simple. It can be reading something spiritual, something that is important to you so that way you can incorporate it in your life everyday. I so believe in yamas and niyamas, which are the first two principles of yoga. But it’s our thoughts, how we show up every day for ourselves, how we show up in our community and in our world. Those are really important because it begins with our mind, it begins with our thoughts and how we are processing those thoughts. So I highly, highly recommend taking the Yoga Sutras. That is the core to yoga. It’s not so much about the poses, but how me move through those poses. And that’s when the shift happens, that’s when the healing happens. So if you haven’t read about the Yoga Sutras, I highly recommend it.

Have the most amazing day, I love you guys!

Peace out,
Mary Ann

Be sure to turn on the volume on the video!

In today’s class I talked about Nirodah; stillness. Practicing yoga quiets our minds and allows us to listen to our emotions. We can access what we are truly feeling when we are in a place that is ready to receive and open to listening. Oftentimes we bottle up our emotions out of fear that they will cause disruption in our lives, relationships, and work. Acknowledging our feelings makes them real and all the more scary. But once we address how we feel, we finally become free. Yoga provides the opportunity to experience that freedom, as we can breathe, move, and work through our emotions. There have been so many times in my life in which I have suppressed what I have felt in order to not “rock the boat”. Yoga led me back to the most raw and authentic version of me. I encourage you today to allow yourself to to cry, laugh, and talk about what’s on your mind. Don’t be afraid of tapping into what you truly feel. Namaste.
Mary Ann

Video transcription:

“Hi guys, and welcome back to “Wednesday Wisdom.” So today, I just wanted to address the importance of stillness in our life, and I know it’s hard because who has time to add something else? But I can tell you that it’s essential for your health, for your mind and for your body, just to simply be still. It can be as simple as closing your eyes and breathing in for four, and breathing out for four. There’s something that shifts, because what happens over time, stress and a lot of emotions can affect the energy body. And that’s why, you know, after a yoga class it’s like, Wow! We feel so much better and the same thing with the mind and having that practice of quieting, being still… it will change everything. And it helps you to get clear about the choices that make you make, and also your feelings. You want to honor your body, and something that has been so important for me is my meditation practice. Sometimes when busyness gets in the way, and a lot of feelings or emotions, I meditate more. It’s just a way to get clear, it’s a way to ground, it’s a way to center. And, I want to tell you, just don’t overcomplicate it. Just simply sit in any chair, or go to the beach, and just close your eyes and breathe and let your mind be still. Let the body be still because stillness speaks. It’s so important for your health and for your well-being. I love you guys, have the most amazing week! Namaste, peace out.”

Drishti, or focal point, literally means focusing your gaze on a non-moving object. This gives you the stability in your poses and helps your mind sustain mental focus. Directing your vision to a single point prevents you from wavering or moving.

Drishti is an essential tool for finding balance and instills a deeper practice. Keeping your focus can help you clear the mind and remove patterns that are not healthy for the mind and body!

One of my favorite quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer is:

“You have a powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered and focused!”

Have a beautiful weekend & happy Friday! 

Mary Ann