A “Super” First Book Club!
Gabrielle Bernstein’s Super Attractor on Sunday, November 29th, and all I can say is why did I wait so long?!
I’ve intended to host an online book club for quite some time, and I’m SO glad I finally did it! We began withI chose Super Attractor as the first book because every time I post something from it or about it on social media, I receive so many messages asking questions.
As expected, the questions and “ah-ha” moments flowed abundantly during the first three club meetings!
As for the timing, I’ve learned that meeting on Sunday evenings allows us to spiritually align ourselves at the beginning of a new week. When working in the corporate world, I remember being SO overwhelmed just thinking about the week ahead. Club member Christina DeLuca affirmed this timing by emailing, “It is so refreshing to settle in on a Sunday evening and begin the week with discussing a positive and uplifting book with a great group of people. It’s inspiring to hear everyone’s perspective on how they use the Super Attractor lessons in their daily lives or to enhance the lives of others.”
It is always so beautiful when we come together as a community, and to learn and grow from and with each other, even if it’s online.
“I’m so grateful to be part of Mary Ann’s “Super Attractor” Book Club! This is life changing and came at a time when I needed it most. It felt amazing to be supported while interacting with others. Mary Ann highlights the tools we need to help us live a life filled with Joy,” said Linda Rosen.
The fourth and final Super Attractor book club meeting will be on December 20th, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Reading the book is not necessary to join in! All that is required is that you pre-register by emailing me, and come as you are! You will receive the Zoom link via email 5-10 minutes before starting.
I will be announcing the next Book Club dates and book selection soon, follow me on Instagram or Facebook to be in the loop!